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The WOOP app

The WOOP app is designed to support you in your daily life. You will learn how to identify and fulfill your most important wishes. These wishes may refer to different time spans and different life domains (academics/career, health, and interpersonal relations). The app allows you to save your wishes and observe your progress. By teaching you the WOOP strategy, the app empowers you to sort out what is important in your day-to-day routine. Over time, you’ll find and achieve what you really want.

How can I use the WOOP app?

The app guides you through the four steps Wish - Outcome - Obstacle - Plan. You only need a few minutes, but you need to be focused and stick to the right order of the four steps.

The app is available in many languages!

Chinese, Dutch, English, Farsi, French, German, IsiXhosa, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Polish, Russian, and Spanish


Download the app for Android or iOS! Yes - it’s free!

Latest release - July 2020 (app version 4.7)


Frequently asked questions

What if I have several important wishes?

Start with the wish you find most important. Remember, this wish should be a bit challenging but also feasible.

What if I do not know what timeframe I should use?

Use the timeframe that seems most applicable to your wish. Shorter timeframes allow you to WOOP wishes that improve your everyday life. They help you take action right away. Longer timeframes will allow you to WOOP more significant wishes that might impact your life deeply.

What if my wish is too big? 

Often, it’s the biggest wishes that arouse the most passion in us. If a wish is too big, see if you can break it down into several smaller wishes. Or work on the obstacle, trying to find one that you can reasonably surmount.

What if the wish does not feel authentic to me?

It’s important to listen to that. WOOP works best for wishes that matter to us. If you WOOP a wish that you don’t really care about but that others may have pushed on you, the process can help you uncover this.  You can find out how much you truly care about a wish while identifying and then imagining the best outcome. The imagery part is crucial! Take the time to imagine the best outcome. If you find that a wish doesn’t feel authentic, think about discarding it and embracing a new wish.

What if my obstacle feels uncontrollable?

Remember, you’re searching for internal obstacles. When we look for obstacles within us, we are better able to control and to overcome them. We often have limited power to change our environment. What we can change is how we respond to and deal with our environment. If you have trouble identifying an obstacle that feels surmountable, take the obstacle you have thought of and see if you can break it down into several smaller, more surmountable obstacles. 

After creating a WOOP - do I have to repeat it?

Once you have created a WOOP, that is, gone through the four steps "Wish, Outcome, Obstacle, and Plan", the process is complete, and you do not have to repeat it. If you have more wishes or your wish changes, start a new WOOP. Wishes emerge from our needs and may constantly change. Obstacles emerge from our contexts and may also constantly change. Therefore, do not hesitate to generate new WOOPs. Play with WOOP, build a WOOP routine, become a WOOP expert!


Voices of WOOP

Because of this technique, I was able to transform my life.
— Lalit Thakre (Website owner of, India)
I love your WOOP work-I’m sharing it wherever I go!
— Dr. Caren Baruch-Feldman
I’ve been eating much more fruit and drinking much less wine and I am wooping daily (I even have a WOOP for a daily WOOP practice)
— Alex Kemp

WOOP has been translated into 13 languages and is used in over 100 countries worldwide. On this page, you can learn about people's experiences with WOOP.



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