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Refine Your WOOP Plans

Overcome - Plan

What can I do to overcome the obstacle? In which situation?

The Overcome-Plan can be used to overcome your obstacle. It should be applied to situations where your obstacle arises, and you can act in a certain way to overcome this obstacle.

If a certain situation (the obstacle) arises, then I will act in a certain way to OVERCOME the obstacle.


I want to overcome my obstacle of eating candy by eating a fruit salad instead:

If I feel a craving for candy after dinner (situation), then I will eat a fruit salad instead (action).

Prevention - Plan

What can I do to prevent the obstacle? In which situation?

The Prevention-Plan can be used to prevent your obstacle from occurring. It should be applied to situations where you can act in a certain way to prevent your obstacle from occurring. If a certain situation (to prevent the obstacle) arises, then I will act in a certain way to PREVENT the obstacle from occurring.


I want to prevent my obstacle of eating candy by buying fruits (instead of candy):

If I go shopping this afternoon (situation), then I will buy fruits (action).

Opportunity - Plan

What opportunities can I seize in order to approach solving my concern in an effective way? In which situation?

The Opportunity-Plan should be applied to certain situations where you are able to seize an

opportunity in order to approach solving your concern in an effective way.

If a certain situation (an opportunity to effectively solve my concern) arises, then I will act in a

certain way to APPROACH solving my concern.


I want to follow a more healthy diet by eating more vegetables:

If I meet my friend on Monday night for dinner (situation), then I order my favorite vegetarian meal (action).